Friday, 29 July 2005

Baby Chi Hua Hua's

Brents sisters Chihuahua had pups - so cute! It is hard to believe the puppies could fit in the mum!

Thursday, 28 July 2005

In case you haven't seen it

Ok, well SMH found it before I did - but this is brilliant...

Saturday, 23 July 2005

Fishtank renovations

Bought some plants for the tank last week and installed the bubble maker. The fish are loving it! They swim in and out of the leaves and sit in the bubbles and have spa baths!


Coogee to Bondi

Walked to from Coogee to Bondi last weekend. I never get bored of that walk with its amazing scenery and abundance of great people-watching. Bondi backpackers, leathery local sunbathers at Bronte, the scuba divers and the fishermen at Gordons Bay, and the Clovelly stroller brigade. They don't know I'm watching as I power walk past plugged in to my iPod.

Apart from the watching the living, I also love wandering through Waverly cemetry. Best view in town - everyone is dying to get in there (boom tish). Snapped this Kookaburra checking out the scenery from the vantage point of a tombstone.

Saturday, 16 July 2005

By special request: a fish update

The 3 remaining fish are still swimming strong. I have resisted the temptation to buy any more friends for Steve, Rudiger and Biggy and to just let the tank be for a while. I did think I killed Steve the other day while experimenting with the lighting in the tank. I think all I did though was make him temporarily blind - I don't mean to hurt you Steve, really I don't!

I don't believe that fish have 3 second memories, the little guys know I am the feeding person and whenever I walk in the door they go into a frenzy until they are fed. It's nice to be needed! Although fish aren't very cuddly and I still want a kitten, I must admit I have become very attached to the guys.

Trivia Question: Rudiger was named after which animated character's alias?


Monday, 11 July 2005

Fun with Chicken

A few weeks ago I agreed to help mum out with her latest photography assignment - 7 deadly sins. We started with relatively tame photos of pride, anger, envy and sloth but somewhere along the line things got a little strange, culminating in greed with me, in bed, eating a whole BBQ chicken with my hands!

I think it was possibly one of the most hilarious things I have ever done! We were both in hysterics as I rubbed the chicken on my face and arms and munched into the breast like I was some sort of beast. Confused the cat too - she thought all her christmasses had come at once.

Strange, I have never had a comment made on any of my flickr images but within minutes of posting these ones I have 2 comments and multiple views from what must be strangers! Scary! I did have the images publically available but after the comments I have followed my gut instinct and made them private. If you want to see the full set, let me know and I will add you as a friend in flickr. Here is one for a taster...

Sunday, 3 July 2005

Happy Canada Day Eh?

Sarah and Duncan hosted a celebration of all things Canadian on Saturday night to mark Canada Day (well it's really the 1st of July but with the time difference it was still Canada Day in Canada)

Along with lots of "ehs", The Tea Party and (ehem) Avril Lavigne, Canadian jokes, talk of hockey and snowboarding, double fisting, and maple leaves, we got to savor a number of canadian delicacies, including

  • Kraft Dinner (the students favorite at 25c a box)
  • Duncan's Severed dick (a camping food consisting of sausage and HP sauce - and if you were thinking otherwise - shame on you!)
  • The "crisp glacier-fresh taste" of Kokanee beer and
  • Nanaimo bars (choc coconut slice)

Was a awesome night eh - thanks Canadians!

A REAL Canadian
A REAL Canadian

Canadian Delicacy
Canadian delicacy
BBQ Boys
BBQ Boys

Kips all dressed
up for the occasion

Also, big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Angus, Angus and Dave.


Lucky Steve II

Introducing Lucky Steve Mark II and his girlfriend, Fluffy.

Steve seems to have made friends with the canaries and is swimming around happily. Fluffy is taking a bit more time settling in - hopefully we don't see more carnage.

More fish photos here


Friday, 1 July 2005

I'm watching you...

Google have just released a new tool called Google Earth ( that allows you to search and view satelite images of earth right down to the building and street level. It is very distracting and addictive - and totally cool!

At the risk of exposing where I live to my various stalkers out there (you know who you are) heres my house... (click to enlarge)

My House - from space

And Whyalla, where Brents ship goes...


And my childhood home...

Mum & Dads

you can even see the Dunphies pool and the McCarrys car parked on the street.

The spiel: "Google Earth streams the world over wired and wireless networks enabling users to virtually go anywhere on the planet and see places in photographic detail. This is not like any map you have ever seen. This is a 3D model of the real world, based on real satellite images combined with maps, guides to restaurants, hotels, entertainment, businesses and more. You can zoom from space to street level instantly and then pan or jump from place to place, city to city, even country to country."

P.S. Thanks for the tip off Frap!

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