Friday, 26 January 2007

I dont like Jazz...

...but I love whatever it was that Oscar Castro-Neves and his band was playing at Jazz in the Domain this year.

I last went to the Jazz a couple of years ago and was very disappointed - vowing never to go and sit on the cold hard ground to listen to that crap they were calling music ever again. Funny what I will resort to when I haven't got a better offer eh?!

So glad I went though - as this was not Jazz as I knew it. The domain was overflowing and the music pumped with infectious Latin rhythms and beautiful singing from the 2 women singers. The night culminated in the 2nd half with everyone up on their feet dancing and stomping along to the drums and whistles carnavale style - just brilliant!

SMH article - "easily the best ever Jazz In The Domain"

Jazz in the domain

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Sunday, 7 January 2007

Secret modeling career or doppelganger?

Port Arthur Solitary

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Thursday, 4 January 2007

Happy New Beer 2007

So I thought I would be clever (ie lazy) and do a NaNoBloPoMo (National NO Blog Posting Month) but I enjoyed it so much that it became a NaNoBlogPoTwoMo. Back into it in 2007 though, promise - well maybe not promise, but I'll give it a go.

2006 was a big year. I moved to Russell Lea, left Legal Aid, joined the HSNet team, got engaged and killed approximatly 13 fish. I have dieted, boot camped, camped, mini breaked, fished, cycled, walked, frisbeed. Farewelled 2 grandmothers, supported my man through skin cancer and radiotherapy. Celebrated birthdays, weddings, robert burns, australia day, new year(s), christmas.

Just been to Smiths Lake for a week to recover from 2006 (photos). 2007 will be the year of wedding planning, another busy one I am sure!

Happy New Year!

News Years Eve

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The Amazing Adventures of Purple Blob Man

An animation by A Pattison and A Young...

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