Emails from Turkey
29th April 2001- Cannakale
I am alýve (and Katýe and anyone else that mýght have been worrýed I was
not stayýng at the 5 star Swýss Hotel so I was not taken hostage!)
I never ýmagýned that Istanbul would be so cool. Lots of magnýfýcent
mosques and castles, street markets and cafes, streets fýlled wýth people
enjoyýng the sun and socýalýsýng, I even saw a Whirling Dirvýsh.
The relýgýon ýs really ýn your face too wýth prayers amplýfýed thoughout
the whole cýty from the mýnurets 5 týmes a day (the fýrst at 5:50am!) The
people are really frýendly, they all want to know whether we are Australian
and then they want to sell carpets, one guy even showed us a flyýng carpet
whých was pretty ýmpressýve but we stýll dýdn,t buy. THey are not too
persýstant though and ýt ýs really ýnterestýng to talk to the locals. Brian
was offered payement of 2 turkýsh women for me by a man who claýmed to be
able to make pavlova and gýve great massages (hmm temptýng). Brýan talked
him up to 3 chýckens and a goat though, I am not sure ýf that ýnsults me
or the Tukýsh women the most!!
I am ýn Cannakele at the moment on an Anzac Day tour. We toured the area
today whých was very ýnterestýng and movýng. An Australýan hýstorýan that
specýalýzes ýn Gallýpolý showed us around and I learnt a lot about what
actually happened and not just what the natýon buýlders of the týme
wanted the publýc to hear!
Braýn and I have been huntýng down the authentýc Turkýsh experýence. Last
nýght we bonded wýth the locals ýn a cafe where people played cards,
backgammon and a game called Okey (I have no ýdea how to spell ýt!) whých
a couple of old turks showed us how to play, whých was fun sýnce they spoke
no englýsh! We have also enjoyed lots of really yummy Turkýsh food wýth
Baklava for dessert.
Tomorrow ýs the dawn servýce, we leave Cannakle at 1:30am to get there and
wýll arrýve at Lone Pýne at 2:30am...ýt,s goýng to be a long and freezýng
There ýs so much more to tell but I can,t fýt ýt ýnto one emaýl. Sorry I
haven,t replýed ýndývýdually to you all but týme ýs money (although not
that much...everythýng ýs so cheap) and I need a být of sleep before we
leave tonýght for the servýce.
3rd May 2001 - Goreme
I am in Goreme in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. I have been on 2 day
trips around the region seeing the amazing rock formations and caves.
From the 3rd to 10th Centurys the Christians carved into the rocks for
protection leaving behind a labarinth of caves and undergound cities. It
has to be seen to be believed! Today we went to the place that they filmed
some of star wars - I think the place were Obi One comes from and where
those funny short guys with the glowing eyes are (I am sure a star wars
buff out there can inform me of the details!
Anzac Day in Gallipoli was an awesome experience, very moving and
patriotic! We got a position way up the back on a hill for the dawn
service and as the sun came up on Anzac Cove it was so moving as you
imagined the boats arriving and the men charging up the beach. The Aussie
service later that day was even more moving with everyone singing "We are
Australian" and cheering the diggers as they made their way to the
reserved seating (one of them was from my bus). After the service a 2 up
game was started on the road while we waited for our buses. At 1 million
lowest bet, Brian, Kate and I were the bank, distributing tokens (rocks
coloured in pink) to the punters. At one stage we had about 200 million
Lira (or 400 dollars!)
Spent 4 days in Istanbul after the tour seeing all the touristy things.
The Grand Bazarre was awesome, testing out my bargaining skills I bought a
leather jacket!! The men here trying to sell things are a real is very funny! I have had many offers of marraige and one guy
asked if he could "control my breasts" !! Gets a bit annoying after a
while but it is all part of the experience I guess.
Off to Olympis on the overnight bus tonight (the second in 3 days...yawn!)
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