Tuesday 29 May 2001

We took on our travel agent about the dodgyness of Egypt and had a small victory I guess. They agreed that it didn't sound right not to have seen Luxor and have helped us change our plane tickets and gave us a discount on a Delphi trip. Better than nothing I guess, and we can't say that we didn't try and make it better for the next poor suckers that come along.

Yesterday I made a nerd pilgrimage to Delphi to consult the Oracle about whether we would be successful in Dublin. He told me to "Know Thyself" whatever that means! Actually we couldn't find the Oracle but we did see ruins of the temple of Apollo an amphitheatre and a cool stadium. The country around Delphi is really spectacular too (when you look past the hoards of tourists in the way) with massive mountains and in the distance the sea.

Today we have planned a shopping day. Can't believe the number of shoe stores in Athens! There is a constant crowd of women surrounding them at all times...might see if I can cram my massive feet into a pair of stylish shoes. The other essential item to buy today will be an extra bag to put all my purchases in!

We fly out of Athens at 6am tomorrow morning bound for Dublin. My stamina and bank balance are in urgent need of refuelling - I don't know how I did 2 months last time. I guess it is because this time I don't have to go home - the adventure continues!



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