Wednesday, 23 November 2005


Captured this bee on a native flower at Mt Wilson on the weekend.

The boys went canyoning while Jess and I went walking, then to Mt Tomah Botanic gardens and for a bit of a scenic drive.

More photos here


Gingerbread Houses for Christmas

Last friday Heather invited us to learn to make gingerbread houses at her church. We were given pre made gingerbread for the walls and roof and let loose with an improvised piping bag and an assortment of lollies.

There were some obvious gingerbread house experts about. I was amazed at the variety of designs around the room. There were trees and gardens and all sorts of window boxes and intricate tiling. Sarah, who has been making gingerbread houses since she was a kid, even managed to construct a dog and a kennel.

The best bit is (apart from sneaking lollies on the night) you get to take your house home and share it with the family on christmas day - it is making my unit look very festive already displayed in my living room.


Monday, 7 November 2005


Sue and J threw a belated Halloweeen party on Saturday night complete with pumpkin carving and a very creative and ghoulish dinner.

These are the finished pumpkins - from left to right, Jess, Alison, Sue and Sarah. The boys thought pumpkin carving was for kids and instead spent most of the playing with dry ice.

More photos are here.


Thursday, 3 November 2005

Who's a clever girl then?

Your IQ Is 120

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

Your General Knowledge is Exceptional

with thanks to forg

Tuesday, 1 November 2005

2 more fish

I impulsively bought 2 new fish on Saturday. A breeding pair of guppies. Haven't named them yet, will get to know their personality first.

I think the female is already pregnant so I may have more fish than I can handle soon.


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