Monday 13 June 2005

I'm a fish murderer

Since my last post there has been a masacre at my place. Just 2 hours after being released into their new home, my first tiger bard went into convulsive death throws before settling lifeless on the gravel. Another 2 didn't last the night.

Distraught I took the carnage up to the aquarium shop and after some water analysis the guy tells me that I probably got contaminated water out of the tap. Apparently the water board puts chemicals down the pipes every three months to clean them, and I was unlucky enough to choose the wrong day to fill my tank. Little comfort when I have three dead fish - but at least it is not really my fault.

Luckily I still have one (rather stressed) fish left. Stevie, the only one I had already given a name, what a champion! From now on I will call him Lucky and hopefully he will live to welcome some new fish next weekend after I have changed the water.



At 6/13/2005 1:34 pm, Blogger Jess (fushmush) said...

awww, that's the saddest story I've ever heard!

At 6/14/2005 10:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops... Well you can use my name sugestion for when you get more fish... Apparently I'm behind!

At 6/14/2005 12:31 pm, Blogger Alison said...

It's OK Sarah, it was all so sudden - and tragic.


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